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1. properly是什么意思


2. properly的用法和例句解释

a) 用作副词,修饰动词或形容词,表示做事情的方式正确、合适或得体。

例句:You should learn how to properly use this machine.(你应该学习如何正确使用这台机器。)

例句:He is not properly dressed for the occasion.(他穿着不够得体。)

例句:The food was not properly cooked.(食物没有按照标准煮熟。)

3. properly的读音读法


4. properly的用法和例句用例

1) It's important to clean your car properly to maintain its value.


2) She didn't understand the instructions, so she couldn't do the task properly.


3) The teacher reminded the students to sit properly in their chairs.


4) I don't think you're dressed properly for a job interview.


5) It's important to speak properly in a formal setting.


5. properly的用法和例句组词

1) improperly (adv. 不正确地,不合适地)

2) propriety (n. 得体,合适)

3) properness (n. 正确性,合适性)

4) impropriety (n. 不当行为,不合适)

5) propertied (adj. 有财产的)

6. properly的用法和例句的中英文对照

properly是什么意思:What does properly mean?

properly的用法和例句解释:Explanation of the usage and examples of properly.

properly的读音读法:The pronunciation of properly is /ˈprɒpəli/.

properly的用法和例句用例:Examples of the usage and sentences with properly.

properly的用法和例句组词:Words formed with the usage and examples of properly.

properly的用法和例句的中英文对照:Comparison of the usage and examples of properly in Chinese and English.


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