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  关于”申请加入足球队“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Apply to join the football team。以下是关于申请加入足球队的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

  Football in China when I was a child, I had formed an unrealistic idea about my future life. I think I will become an excellent football player or other sports player. I will help the Chinese team fly out of Asia, partite in the FIFA World Cup and achieve brilliant achievements, so I want to thank my sky, it is like a paradise, but with When I grew up, the other side of the picture appeared.

  On the contrary, my life should be in the office rather than on the football field. My previous photo is just a dream that will never come true. There is no real element in the first photo.

  There is no need to have the opportunity to find out that Chinese football has let us down too much in recent years. I just hope that the Chinese football team can stay in the Asia's top level, but it's impossible that China's football team is like a seriously damaged ship, but South Korea, Iran and Japan are like aircraft carriers, so the Chinese team dragged out, the ship continued to sink, and it should be repaired now. They have been reduced to the third class sight of Asian football, and Australia, which nearly eliminated the powerful Italian team in the world cup, also joined However, this is not a problem.

  Chinese football officials will encourage Australia to join the European football circle. Therefore, the incitement countries include South Korea, Iran, Japan and Singapore. In the same game, the Chinese football team did not appreciate the wonderful performance of the above teams.

  The Chinese football team deeply regrets that.


  足球在中国当我还是个孩子的时候,我对我未来的生活已经形成了一个不切实际的想法,我想我会成为一个优秀的足球运动员或者其他体育运动员,我会帮助中国队飞出亚洲,参加国际足联世界杯,取得辉煌的成就,所以我要感谢我的天空,它像一个天堂,但随着我的成长,画面的另一面出现了,而且它恰恰相反,我的生活应该是在办公室里而不是足球场我以前的照片只是一个永远不会实现的梦,第一张照片里没有任何真实的元素,没有必要拥有近几年来有机会发现中国足球太让我们失望了,我只希望中国足球队能保持在亚洲顶级水平,但不可能中国足球队就像一艘严重受损的船,但是韩国,和日本就像航空母舰,所以中国队拖了出来,船不断下沉,现在应该修理了,他们已经沦落为亚洲足球三级瞄准镜了,在世界杯赛场上险些淘汰实力强大的意大利队的澳大利亚队也加入了亚洲足球的行列,但这并不是问题,中国足球官员将怂恿澳大利亚队加入欧洲足球圈,因此煽动的国家也包括韩国、、日本和新加坡,中国足球队在同一场比赛中,不欣赏上述球队精彩的得分庆祝动作,对此,中国足球队深表遗憾大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。

  We are going to build a football team in our school. My dream is to join the team that I love football very much. Now I want to tell you something about me.大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  I can run fast. I often play football. I think I play well.

  I am good at controlling the ball, but I am good at catching the ball. So when we play, they never let me be a goalkeeper. I hope you can give me a chance.

  You won't regret me join.



  Football in China when I was a child, I had formed an unrealistic idea about my future life. I think I will become an excellent football player or other sports player. I will help the Chinese team fly out of Asia, partite in the FIFA World Cup and achieve brilliant achievements.

  Therefore, I owe my sky like heaven as I grow up, The other side of the picture appears, and on the contrary, my life should be in the office rather than on the football field. My previous photo is just a dream that will never come true. There is no real element in the first photo, and there is no need to have the opportunity to find out that Chinese football has been too disappointed in recent years.

  I only hope that the Chinese football team can keep at the top level in Asia, but it can't be China's football team is like a badly damaged ship, while South Korea, Iran and Japan are like aircraft carriers. Therefore, the Chinese team has lagged behind the visiting ship. The ship is sinking and should be repaired now.

  They have fallen to the third level of Asian Football mirror, and they can't even defeat Singapore team. Australia, which nearly eliminated the powerful Italian team in the world cup, also joined the Asian Football mirror team. However, this is not a problem.

  Chinese football officials will encourage Australia to join the European football circle. Therefore, the incitement countries include South Korea, Iran, Japan and Singapore. The Chinese football team does not appreciate the wonderful score celebration of the above teams in the same game For this, the Chinese football team deeply regrets.大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!





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